Monday, November 9, 2009

Clothes are really into clothes right now, especially skirts and dresses. You wake up each morning and ask me what you are going to wear. You get so excited. Sometimes you will say, that's not very cute or not pretty enough. Oh my! Once I got you a bow for your outfit and aske if it was ok and you said, well it's not the prettiest thing I've ever seen, but ok. You love it when people comment on your outfit and you make sure to list each and every person and what they said. If a day goes by and no one comments you put that outfit on the back burner for one liked my outfit today! I try to reassure you that you are beautiful and clothes are just clothes, etc God made us all pretty in his eyes. You are not really buying it right now but I will keep trying.

Halloween Party

Dandy came with me to your halloween party to watch Brynlee. You were excited to see him there. I guess it was a long day of trick or treating, plus you were in heels :) but we barely got you out of there without a meltdown. They are coming a little more often in the past weeks. Maybe we need more sleep...

You were adorable however, and to make it even cuter, you had a skull and crossbones tatoo on your arm that showed through the wedding dress-haha

Your class also went to the pumpkin patch last week. YOu were an angel. When you saw Brynlee you just took over like a little mother hen...Oh, honey, here's you a pumpkin. Walking around wth your arm around her. So far all my girls are so sweet to their sisters. Melts my heart.


We were digging through the Halloween costumes from years past and you fell in love with the bride costume that Brooke wore a few years ago. So you no longer want to be a butterfly, but are set on the bride. That is fine with will make a beautiful bride.


As shy as you are, it is suprising that you light up in front of a camera. You love to model. I signed you up on a lady's blog and she picked you to model a Christmas dress. You loved it. You did all the work, posing perfectly...I really don't know where you get it. I just took photos. You are a natural. And the funniest part is that you can be crying or whining and then just go straight in and out of your model poses.


We went to the beach for labor day. It was a loud, fun family trip with Nana, Dandy, all the aunts, cousins, etc. You loved the beach and the sand. You did not want to go into the water much past your big toe and decided to build sand castles instead. We did a dolphin cruise and lots of other fun stuff like searching for crabs at night, live music, etc. You told me how much fun you had and wanted to go back!

WE have a new thing, I tell you that you are my favorite 3 year old....Also, You say the sweetest prayers at night, Lately you have added some personality to your prayers. Very loud and tv personalityish, " TTTTHhank you God for Mommy and THHHAnk you God for Daddy and THHAnk you God for all the yummy food we have....and on and on.. It is really sweet but hard not to chuckle. You have your eyes closed but have the most dramatic expressions.

in other news...

We have been visiting Heritage Baptist Church, you call it the Bible School church because we went to Bible School there in June and you loved it. You were a little sad but made it through class. You seemed to enjoy it and were ready for a nap when we got home. Something did not go your way and you started crying and throwing a fit, etc....I was trying to ignore you..your Daddy and I are so tired of spanking and getting on to you....but you came up to me in the recliner and said , (through tears), I feel so sorry for you....I looked puzzled and said, why? Because I am acting so bad!!!!


I have never seen you so excited as your first day of dance. You were prancing around in that tutu and I took lots of pictures at home. Of course when we got there, same thing, you are fine not tears, but are so shy you can barely look at the teacher. But luckily that does not stop you, are so ready for this! You got a marshmellow and a sticker when you left. You were on cloud nine!!!! I think you are the most gorgeous ballerina.


You have had a few incidences with your teacher helper, Mrs. Christy. First you are not happy that she makes you "try" to go to the restroom. And then she was insistent on you throwing away your snack but you weren't ready. You were too shy to speak so you just got upset (inside) and let me hear all about it in the car. I will talk to your teachers about the bathroom thing, they are fine if you will tell them when you need to go. Now I have to convince you that Ms. Christy really does like keep telling me she hates you! They said you talked and smiled a bit this week...and you made a new friend, Julia. Ms. Nancy said she came over and asked you to play. There are only 3 boys in your class and 12 girls. You have already told me all about each one. One is mean and hits people, one told you to get out of the swing, don't forget!

Blaire at School-August

You did not cry a tear when I dropped you off at school. You are SUPER shy but ready for some action. You looked adorable in your hot pink leopard outfit this morning. They showed me the picture they took of you at smile, you were so shy you could barely look at the camera, finger in mouth of course .If they could only see you at home. You never stopped talking on the way home. You loved it. I am so happy for you and can't wait until you warm up to your friends and teachers.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

August 23 2009

We went to meet the teacher today at your school. Your teacher is Ms. Nancy, though you call her Ms. Fancy. You didn't say a word of course at meet the teacher but you loved the classroom. I think the baby dolls and dress up shoes really caught your attention. I can't believe you are old enough to go to preschool already. I hope you have so much fun. I love you girly girl!

August 15 2009

Blaire we went to do some school shopping and you were so cute. You have a definite opinion about your clothes. You are 3 going on 13. Everything you picked out has leopard or peace signs on it. You always want to look pretty. I caught you the other day with bracelets around your ankle just for fun. You have the most gorgeous eyes and sweet smile. You are ready for preschool to start and ask about it often. I hope that carries through once it starts.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

May 12 2009

Today, 20 years ago, your Daddy and I had our first date. We went to the Pizza Hunt on State Line. We doubled with Shane in Mrs. Prather's red ford escort. I of course didn't eat much because I was so nervous. I do remember sipping on a coke though. I remember thinking how tall and handsome your Daddy was and still is. I want you to find someone like him someday to marry. He is the best Daddy to you girls there ever was. You are a Daddy's girl a lot of the time.

May 11 2009

Brooke made us a behavior chart for our house like they use at school. Unfortunatley Brooke found a long list of things you did wrong today and you pretty much blew the behavior chart out of the water. But I cut you some slack. I can't even keep up with Brooke on this one.

May 10 2009

Today is Libby's 12th birthday. We all went to Aunt Ally's to celebrate. It was also Mother's day so this morning I got a super breakfast in bed. You helped make the toast and even helped me drink the orange juice. I just love you to pieces Blaire! You girls wrapped up things around the house for me to open, one of your favorite things to do. My favorite was the coupon for 100 back scratches and feet rubs! I got to take a nap for Mother's Day and when I woke up you were asleep in your underwear only next to Daddy. I guess you got tired of the church dress.It was a great Mother's Day!

May 9 2009

Well the wedding went great. You and Brooke looked too precious for words. Daddy said when he saw you two coming down the aisle he almost got teary eyed. I can't even think about the fact that someday we will be at you girls' weddings. NOOOOOO! We all went to Applebee's afterwards. You sat by Laura and talked her head off . This was the first time you had really opened up to her. She was thrilled of course. You are just becoming a social butterfly this weekend.

Monday, May 18, 2009

May 8 2009

Tonight was rehearsal dinner for Erin's wedding. You really suprised me at how well you did, especially with the people all watching you walk down the staircase. You usually hide behind me at something like that. It probably helped that Brooke was holding your hand. Everyone had fun playing on the gorgeous hill there. You took up with Anna, another flower girl in the wedding. We see them at church but you don't really play with her but for some reason at the rehearsal you ran around stuck to her like glue. You even asked Ms. Sasha, her mom to take you to the bathroom! You never cease to amaze us girl!

May 7 2009

When I picked you up from class at church the teacher asked if you were about to be 4? I said no she just turned 3. They were really suprised. I looked at the bird you colored and I would swear Brooke colored it. The teacher is a kindergarten teacher and she said that looks like a GT paper to me. You are so smart.

Monday, May 11, 2009

May 6 2009

We had a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese tonight for one of Brooke's classmates from school. You played games and had pizza and cake as well. I hate that you have to be the tag along everywhere we go but I don't think you realize it. And I think when Brooke was this age she had noone to tag along with. Pros and cons I guess. You always seem to enjoy it and next year when you are in preschool you will have your own set of friends and birthday parties to go to.

May 5 2009

We were suppossed to have family pictures again today but it continued to rain. You were so disappointed. I really couldn't believe you wanted "the lady" to take our pictures so badly. Hope that means you will do great whenever we get to have them done. It has rained and stormed for over a week now.

May 4 2009

Gymnastics for Brooke today. You patiently sit and wait while we run Brooke to all these places. It's almost your turn big girl. Next year, preschool and dance! You are shy but at home can't quit talking about it-so excited!

May 3 2009

I don't want to forget you saying this: "Mommy, is today tomorrow?" I guess because we always tell you things are going to happen tomorrow. Such a smart cookie!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

May 2 2009

Tonight you discovered the shower. You had so much fun. You said, "Mommy its just like the rain!" Super cute. We went to eat dinner with Nana and Dandy at Applebees tonight. You were acting up in the parking lot, can't remember...something didn't go your way or someone probably walked to the wrong side of the car...who knows but Daddy told you to get in the car and you had that hand on the hip and when he walked out of sight, you put the hand up and said, "too bad dad." Smartypants!

May 1 2009

April 30 2009

April 29 2009

April 28 2009

Tonight we went to Chic-fil-a for Brooke's spirit night for Morriss. You were a little afraid of the cow at first but by the time we left you actually gave him 5. Or should I say, "you were shy to him." That is what you say almost daily...Momma I am shy to that lady, etc. etc

April 27 2009

April 26 2009

April 25 2009

April 24 2009

April 23 2009

April 22 2009

April 21 2009

April 20 2009

April 19 2009

April 18 2009

April 17 2009

April 16 2009

April 15 2009

April 14 2009

April 13 2009

April 12 2009

April 11 2009

April 10 2009

April 9 2009

April 8 2009

April 7 2009

April 6 2009

April 5 2009

Friday, April 17, 2009

April 4 2009

Today was Saturday. We went to see the Easter Bunny at the mall . You were adorable..suprisingly not scared at all. After our turn was over I caught you on camera peeking around the side waving and trying to get his attention. You smiled the best of all 3...after all the shyness and frowns in Disney....

April 3 2009

You have been pointing out shapes to me everywhere we go. I am so proud of you. You can spell your name on a good day but sometimes get a few of the letters out of order. You know it starts with BL and ends in E thats for sure. You can write most of it too. I am just so happy that you are excited about learning. Another thing you like to do is say what does STKJLKR spell? usually it spells nothing but one time you got close to STOP so we told you it spelled stop and that now you say what does STOP spell again...even though by now you know.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

April 2 2009

Thursday..not much going on..I wanted to note how sweet you are on occassion to Brooke. Today when she got in the car you said, "How was school today Brookie...did you have fun?" She said yes or something and you said, "Well, I'm glad."


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April 1 2009

You, me and Brynlee took the new stroller out for a test drive today. You liked it because you can lay down. It was odd to you because I have not done a lot of outdoor strolling with you. You were asking why we were on the street and if the cars were going to get us, and who lives there are we going to thier house. Funny because in Austin, Brooke and I walked everywhere in the stroller all over the neighborhood. Maybe that's why I was in better shape?

March 31 2009

Today we ran some errands to get "Dolly", the car we bought from Aunt Ally ready to drive. You girls fell in love with it, especially after you found out it had a sunroof. Which reminds me, you saw a convertible on the way to get Brooke today and you were thrilled. Mama-look at that .. I want one of those. I bet you do!

March 30 2009

We did lots of laundry (you love to pour in the soap) and dishes! I taught you how to play a new game on the computer majohng-you were pretty good. You were super excited that Libby, Landon and Dandy came by this afternoon. You wanted to sit by Nana when we went to Pizza Inn for dinner. You can be quite the charmer.

March 29 2009

Today we went to church and then you took a long nap afterwards. The teacher said you sat in Ms. Kathy's lap the whole time. It was not like you so you must be feeling bad with that cough.No fever though. When you woke up you danced away and played with Brook-i-e as you call her! While getting ready for church this morning you threw a big fit because Daddy had turned on the light and you wanted me to but I was in the bath. You wanted him to go turn it off and me to go turn it back on. NOT! So you finally gave up after 15 minutes or so.

March 28 2009

Today we went to lunch with Nana and Dandy at Julie's Deli. You call it Chili Dilly's funny. You LOVED seeing Nana and Dandy since we really don't see them that much. Tonight I went to eat at the Japanese place for Dee Dee's birthday. You girls stayed here and Nee Nee came over. You painted fingernails and toenails (poenails to you) and had a blast. You still have a nasty cough. Also Nee Nee bought you a tankini bathing suit. You thought it was so neat, you slept in it!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

March 27 2009

Today you are really starting with the whole do it myself with the carseat thing. You want to buckle it no matter how long it takes and we all clap when you are done. Today we went to lunch with Nana and Dandy and Brooke was crying on the way there about ot wanting to sit in the booster car seat and you told her to, "knock it off". For once it wasn't you crying when we went somewhere.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

March 26 2009

Today Taylor came over after school. You were in heaven. You wanted her to watch your every move while you were dancing and showing off in the living room. The things you say are so cute...marshmallows are "smarshmallows". When you want to drink out of the can you say pan. I don't correct you on most things because you are so darn cute. We have been working on spelling your name, you have it one day not the next. Anyway, you were saying your prayers tonight and you told God, I can't do anything...I can't spell my name, I can't do a cartwheel, I can't do a handstand. Poor must be hard to be a middle sister. I think I am going to find a time soon where you and I can go somewhere maybe the movies or something together.

March 25 2009

You were excited tonight because we got to go eat "chicken lattas" at TaMolly's before church. You are so adorable...when we drive by TaMolly's you will say, "That place is good. I want some chicken lattas." At church they called you and Brooke and Brynlee up for the birthday song. Surprisingly you went and though you never looked at the audience, you didn't make me hold you. Of course you loved class and could not wait to show me what you had made.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March 24 2009

We had to take Brooke and Brynlee to the doctor today. You and Brooke are starting to fight more and more, you had an all out brawl in front of the doctor. NICE! But then you snuggled up in my arms when we got home and took a nap. I still haven't officially gotten rid of all the passy's like I said I would when you were 3 but it is coming...soon.

March 23 2009

You did not like it this morning when you woke up and could not find Brooke. You have been used to playing with her on Spring Break. You also asked, "Am I still three? You are so precious in the mornings when you wake up in a good mood.

March 22 2009

Today we had Brynlee's first birthday party. You loved playing with all the cousins, especially Lawson. Today is your REAL birthday, though we kind of switched this year. We pretended that Brynlee's real b-day was yours and now her party is on your real day. I really think you are both too young to care. It just worked out that way with the trip. So here is what I want to write to you on your birthday. Blaire oh Blaire where to begin. You are the sweetest, cutest, little ball of fire. The things that come out of your mouth and the winks, grins and cheesy smiles are enough to light up the world-especially mine. You have brought so much joy to this family and definitely keep us on our toes. It has been warming to see you be a BIG sister to Brynlee and to be home with you this year. You amaze me at what you pick up , you placed objects in a circle yesterday and counted them one by one to 30! (you only missed a few) I don't sit down with you as much as I did with Brooke but there is just so much more to do than when I just had Brooke. You would rather be playing a game with her or dancing in the living room. You have such a lively personality when people get to know you. You are super shy until you get to know someone and then we literally can't get you to slow down. We love you so much and you are my favorite middle child!!!!

March 21 2009

Going home! You did well getting up so early . You girls thought it was neat that the moon was still out when we left our room. (6:00 am) We are not early risers so this was different for you guys. You did ok until about half way through the plane trip you were done. Your ears hurt on the descent a little. We were all glad to be home. Aunt Kathy and Lindsey were in town for Erin's shower today so we went over to Dee Dee's to see everyone and then tonight all ate at Ironwood Grill where all the kids could play in the sandbox. You ran around like you owned the place.

March 20 2009

Today we went to kunch at Hollywood Studios, Hoolywood and Vine. It was a birthday lunch for you with characters from playhouse disney, JoJo, Goliath, and Little Einsteins. You actually gave them a hug and were not as shy. We had a great time and great food. They gave you a birthday cupcake and card. We watched a show there and then headed back to the resort to swim since it was our last day. You and Brynlee ended up napping in the room with me while Daddy and Brooke swam. I took you down later to the kiddie pool but of course you only got your feet wet.

March 19 2009

Today we had breakfast with Minnie Mouse, Donald and Goofy at Cape May at our resort. It was really good food. You had Mickey shaped waffles. We went over to Magic Kingdom for the last time today. You kept saying you wanted to ride some more rides. We rode several and you had fun but again major cranky day. I had to leave you screaming with Daddy while I took Brooke to the restroom because you were throwing such a fit. We didn't let you go up in the treehouse with Brooke and Daddy because again, horrible behavior. I hope this is not a new thing, just because of all the excitement that you are acting this way.

March 18 2009

Today we went to Epcot, which was walking distance from our hotel. We rode the rides and saw the sights today. You liked all the rides and especially the playground there. We had to go back and get ready for the Spirit of Aloha dinner. It was neat because it was a dinner show and hula dancing. We all went on stage when they asked for the March birthdays. You were acting shy but at least I wasn't holding you this time, (I had Brynlee). You were confused and wanted to know where the hula hoops were.

March 17 2009

Today we hit Animal Kingdom. Oh my the crankiness- I didn't think we were going to get there with all the fits and whining (from you). You girls loved the animal safari and the characters at this park .At the end they had a parade and a conga line. You wanted to go dance but of course wanted met to hold you, so we both went and danced for a few minutes at the end. You can't decide if you are shy or the life of the party.We visited an area which had snakes and insects, etc. You wanted to know where the cavity bugs were? ha

March 16 2009

Today Brooke and Daddy went swimming most of the day while you and I did laundry. You slept a little in the stroller. They took you with them but that lasted a whole half hour and you were done. You don't really want to get all the way in and certainly did not want to go down a water slide. Tonight we walked over to Epcot and had some Mexican food and watched the fireworks there, again you were not a fan.

March 15 2009

Today we went to the Magic Kingdom. We called you Hollywood in your shades. You posed for pictures in your cute Minnie outfit. Cranky came later in the afternoon. It was an incredibly hot day and we weren't on a great eating schedule. You finally fell asleep so Daddy sat with you on a bench while Brooke and I (and Brynlee) rode a few rides. You woke up for the parade and enjoyed it. You were not a fan of the fireworks show however. You held your ears the entire time. We got back to the Beach Club and let you girls take a quick dip in the pool before bed. You mostly wandered up and down the steps which is an improvement from last summer.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

March 14 2009

I am starting this a little before you actual birthday because of our big trip-wanted to make sure I get it all in. I started writing my journal on the computer this year in hopes to actually get it all in. I never realized how much time it takes to actually write things out especially when I have so much to write. So here goes to a new year of better journaling for you. I never want to forget all the adorable things you say and do. Today was Brooke'e birthday and we woke you all up super early to let Brooke (and you) since your birthday is later this week, it is a present for all 3, open your presents. We had 6 birthday sacks, each containing a letter which spelled out DISNEY. Until that point you were not very interested, just trying to stay awake on Daddy's shoulder. When you heard me say we are going to Disney, you perked up and said, "I did want to go to Disney." Next you asked if we were going to ride in an airplane. We were all bubbling with excitement and jumped in the car. You girls stayed awake on the trip to the airport and we got there pretty uneventful. We watched our plane come up and then boarded. You did good and loved the plane ride and looking down at the ground and the clouds. You were sleepy when we go there and were almost asleep when we landed. The resort was beautiful and we got ready for our birthday dinner with the princesses. You dressed up as Sleeping Beauty and I even curled your hair. You made a beautiful princess! When we walked in they had pictures with Belle set up and I think it all kind of overwhelmed you because you stuck your tongue out at Belle when we tried to go have pictures. The stroller lost a wheel and Daddy had to help it along to get back to the hotel. He also popped his knee out which made for a long trip. We were all exhausted of course and went right to bed, ready for a big day tomorrow.