Friday, April 17, 2009

April 4 2009

Today was Saturday. We went to see the Easter Bunny at the mall . You were adorable..suprisingly not scared at all. After our turn was over I caught you on camera peeking around the side waving and trying to get his attention. You smiled the best of all 3...after all the shyness and frowns in Disney....

April 3 2009

You have been pointing out shapes to me everywhere we go. I am so proud of you. You can spell your name on a good day but sometimes get a few of the letters out of order. You know it starts with BL and ends in E thats for sure. You can write most of it too. I am just so happy that you are excited about learning. Another thing you like to do is say what does STKJLKR spell? usually it spells nothing but one time you got close to STOP so we told you it spelled stop and that now you say what does STOP spell again...even though by now you know.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

April 2 2009

Thursday..not much going on..I wanted to note how sweet you are on occassion to Brooke. Today when she got in the car you said, "How was school today Brookie...did you have fun?" She said yes or something and you said, "Well, I'm glad."


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April 1 2009

You, me and Brynlee took the new stroller out for a test drive today. You liked it because you can lay down. It was odd to you because I have not done a lot of outdoor strolling with you. You were asking why we were on the street and if the cars were going to get us, and who lives there are we going to thier house. Funny because in Austin, Brooke and I walked everywhere in the stroller all over the neighborhood. Maybe that's why I was in better shape?

March 31 2009

Today we ran some errands to get "Dolly", the car we bought from Aunt Ally ready to drive. You girls fell in love with it, especially after you found out it had a sunroof. Which reminds me, you saw a convertible on the way to get Brooke today and you were thrilled. Mama-look at that .. I want one of those. I bet you do!

March 30 2009

We did lots of laundry (you love to pour in the soap) and dishes! I taught you how to play a new game on the computer majohng-you were pretty good. You were super excited that Libby, Landon and Dandy came by this afternoon. You wanted to sit by Nana when we went to Pizza Inn for dinner. You can be quite the charmer.

March 29 2009

Today we went to church and then you took a long nap afterwards. The teacher said you sat in Ms. Kathy's lap the whole time. It was not like you so you must be feeling bad with that cough.No fever though. When you woke up you danced away and played with Brook-i-e as you call her! While getting ready for church this morning you threw a big fit because Daddy had turned on the light and you wanted me to but I was in the bath. You wanted him to go turn it off and me to go turn it back on. NOT! So you finally gave up after 15 minutes or so.

March 28 2009

Today we went to lunch with Nana and Dandy at Julie's Deli. You call it Chili Dilly's funny. You LOVED seeing Nana and Dandy since we really don't see them that much. Tonight I went to eat at the Japanese place for Dee Dee's birthday. You girls stayed here and Nee Nee came over. You painted fingernails and toenails (poenails to you) and had a blast. You still have a nasty cough. Also Nee Nee bought you a tankini bathing suit. You thought it was so neat, you slept in it!