Sunday, August 23, 2009

August 23 2009

We went to meet the teacher today at your school. Your teacher is Ms. Nancy, though you call her Ms. Fancy. You didn't say a word of course at meet the teacher but you loved the classroom. I think the baby dolls and dress up shoes really caught your attention. I can't believe you are old enough to go to preschool already. I hope you have so much fun. I love you girly girl!

August 15 2009

Blaire we went to do some school shopping and you were so cute. You have a definite opinion about your clothes. You are 3 going on 13. Everything you picked out has leopard or peace signs on it. You always want to look pretty. I caught you the other day with bracelets around your ankle just for fun. You have the most gorgeous eyes and sweet smile. You are ready for preschool to start and ask about it often. I hope that carries through once it starts.